
6:17 PM
Swift 3D PS - 3D Plug-in for Photoshop CS4 Extended
Swift 3D PS is a fun and easy-to-use Photoshop plug-in that will have you exploring entirely new hemispheres of Photoshop CS4 Extended. It accomplishes simple 3D tasks in seconds with remarkable results and places your 3D text, extrusions or models back into Photoshop as 3D layers. These layers remain fully editable by Swift 3D PS, even after Photoshop's array of layer styles and filters are applied. Swift 3D PS offers the same powerful capabilities of our standalone product, but works within the confines of the Photoshop environment.
Swift 3D Version 5,Swift 3D PS Plugin for Photoshop CS4 Extended,Swift 3D MAX for 3ds max ,Swift 3D LW for LightWave 3D,ZAM 3D 3D XAML Tool,Swift 3D Xpress (plug-in) for Adobe Flash(Sorry. Swift 3D Xpress trial is not currently available.)
  • Create, bevel and extrude 3D text from any font in seconds.
  • Quickly create extrusions and 3D lathe objects with a bezier pen tool.
  • Extend Photoshop’s workflow with After Effects CS4 Live 3D view.
  • Import, extrude and bevel existing 2D vector artwork from Illustrator or Flash.
  • Simplify 3D scene creation with targeted cameras & lighting.
  • Extraordinary price backed by a money-back guarantee
  • Having fun designing again...priceless
    The Swift 3D PS 3-minute tutorial series is intended to quickly get you up to speed on accomplishing the most common 3D tasks with our Swift 3D PS plug-in. In just 15 minutes of training, you will have a very good basis for doing your own 3D work and digging deeper into 3D in Photoshop CS4 Extended. Feel Free to Embed our Videos Wherever You Like!!
    Video 1 - Creating 3D Text with Swift 3D PS in Photoshop CS4 Extended
    Video 2 - Creating an Invisible Plane to Catch Shadows with Swift 3D PS in Photoshop CS4 Extended
    Video 3 - Creating 3D Extrusions and Lathe Objects Using a Pen Tool in Swift 3D PS for Photoshop CS4 Extended
    Video 4 -Creating 3D from 2D Vector AI, EPS, and PDF Artwork / Logos in Swift 3D PS for Photoshop CS4 Extended
    Video 5 - Applying Filters to 3D Layers and Editing 3D Layers with Swift 3D PS in Photoshop CS4 Extended
    Video 6 - Creating 3D Boolean Objects with Swift 3D PS Plugin for Photoshop CS4 Extended  
    Views: 1412 | Added by: ystyle | Rating: 0.0/0
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