
9:57 AM
Eyeon Fusion v5

中文名称:Eyeon Fusion v5.31.78 更新64位版及网络渲染工具
英文名称:eyeon fusion

Fusion 5.3 Final专业级电影合成工具、高端合成软件!这是最新的!RenderSlave为其配套的渲染器.

最好的视频合成软件,能支持Adobe AfterEffect的plugin和世界上最著名的5D和抠像ULTIMATTE插件,它是基于流程线和动画曲线的合成软件之一。非常适合操作Maya、Softimage3D软件的动画师使用。它在电影、高清晰电视、广播电视制作中得到了广泛的应用,它是PC操作平台上第一个64位的合成软件,支持64位色彩深度的颜色校正,这是以前SGI操作平台合成软件独有的技术,它的网络渲染工具 Render Node可以多线程、多任务实时渲染预览,它的网络渲染模式和宽太相近。它支持PC、SGI等等操作平台上的图像文件格式,我到现在还没有发现它不能导入的文件格式。支持Z通道 *.rla图像格式文件,支持多处理器。是我见到合成软件里速度最快效率最高的软件之一。

Eyeon Fusion 专业级电影合成工具、高端合成软件!Fusion 5包含了许多新的特点及增强的工作流程。具有真实的3D环境支持,是市场上最有效的3D粒子系统。通过3D硬件加速,你现在可以在一个程序内就可以实现从 Pre-Vis到finals的转变。eyeon's Fusion 是真正的2D和3D协同终极合成器。

Eyeon Fusion 5.0是一套非常强大的视频合成软件,具有众多的使用特点,节点式的工作流便于使用。Fusion 5.0 是eyeon公司旗舰产品,该产品问世是eyeon公司第9次发布这个强有力的合成器,该产品使用了一个新的图形引擎,能够将整体性能提升一个台阶并能更使得内存使用效率提高,新的DF5可以在每一个像素上以8bit,16bit或者以浮点方式来运行。DF5可以创建以时间线为基础的缓存实时播放的部分。利用eyeon 革命性的集群技术可以通过网络扩展富有传奇色彩的计算性能。Fusion 5的网络渲染一直以来与其他批处理渲染技术相比属于高端技术的应用。新的DF4强劲有力的集群技术,能够将多台工作站有效的连接组成级的网络工作环境,通过网络render farm的聚合处理能力,整个环境能够连续的按照次序渲染工作任务。

Fusion 5支持电影流程,并通过一个强大的ODBC支持脚本引擎。

Digital Fusion 5.0的主要特征包括了一个具有灯光、摄像机和基本几何体的真实的3D合成环境,OpenGL加速器,ASCII文件。自Eyeon在去年的siggraph上宣布以来,艺术家对Fusion 5 World Tour进行了一些反馈,Fusion 5在提供许多新功能的同时也增加了工作平台。波形、矢量显示器和3D监视器这些用于广播需求的图形和效果,都是真彩色的。新的实时矢量显示器、矩形图和波长在Fusion5中提供了完整的色彩控制显示。Digital Fusion 5中新的注释表与每一合成的记事本相似。艺术家可以用这个特征来保存所做的合成列表。

新增的实时波形表,矢量和柱状图显示使其达到了广播级标准。直接导入功能和与主流3D软件的兼容性,使摄像机和场景能够存在于Fusion中。这其中包括对Maya、LightWave 3D、Max和XSI的支持。

Fusion现在可以直接导入FBX文件,通过FBX文件就可以制作出一个与灯光和摄像机相匹配的作品。Bins已经被移到网络上了,并允许其他的艺术家看到并更新它们。注释表(comment tab)的引进可以让艺术家们记录一些注释以及其作品的创作过程。

Eyeon Fusion Render Slave 5.0 (Fusion 5.0渲染器):也叫Digital Fusion Render Node。是一款革新性的多渲染机在线整合工具,通过简单的单键命令和程序本身的网络渲染功能。繁重的工作可以很容易被分配到不同的机子,方便电影艺术家们共享相同的网络渲染节点。

• 支持 OFX
• 在 FileLUT 和 view LUT 中实现3D LUT的图卡加速
• 扩展 DPX, Cineon 和 OpenEXR 数据量的处理
• Fusion可编程插件允许使用Fusion Lua 脚本引擎设计及运行图象处理工具
• 支持 Python
• 跟踪器新的无限次像素精确法更快更准
• 新增矢量模糊
• 改进流程界面

Fusion 5.2 Final专业级电影合成工具、高端合成软件!这是最新的!

Eyeon软件公司市场开发指导表示:“随着可兼容多平台的Fusion 5.2版本发布,我们在此万分激动地向这个日新月异的行业展示Fusion的最新成果。电影业、广播业、游戏业以及动态图形领域的工作量正在爆炸式地激增,我们自豪地为各个企业单位提供综合性的图像处理解决方案,并且不受平台限制。”

Fusion 5.2包含了许多新的特点及增强的工作流程。具有真实的3D环境支持,是市场上最有效的3D粒子系统。通过3D硬件加速,你现在可以在一个程序内就可以实现从Pre-Vis到finals的转变。eyeon's Fusion 是真正的2D和3D协同终极合成器。

eyeon Set To Make Big Splash At NAB
Shipping Fusion® 5.3 and Fusion® x64


Toronto, Canada – Toronto, Canada - eyeon Software Inc. will be shipping and showing Fusion® 5.3, Fusion® x64 and Rotation® x64 at NAB 2008 in Las Vegas.

Fusion 5.3 is the second major release under the new subscription program offered by eyeon. Clients who are currently enrolled in the program will receive a host of new features and upgrades at no additional cost. These upgrades include:

· Multi-threaded particles

· A Ranges Mask tool

· A Sticky Note tool

· A new Underlay tool

· A new Variblur tool (for per-pixel variable blurs)

· Filter modes for Transform, Merge and Letterbox tools

· Plus additional UI enhancements and workflow improvements

As a separate release from Fusion 5.3, Fusion x64 will be able to break the current accessibility limit of four gigabytes (GB) of both virtual and physical memory. eyeon’s extensive developmental knowledge secures the benefits of multi-core and multi-processor systems. This enables Fusion artists to take advantage of more RAM and system resources for a more interactive scope.

“The requirement for software that can fully utilize everything a 64 bit machine has to offer goes hand in hand with that machine's abilities. Having additional memory and higher processing capabilities, which is not even used, means that running 32 bit software on a 64 bit machine seems not only wasteful, but kind of sad as well. There is an ever-expanding demand for visual effects, raising the bar. While increasing the pressure on artists to deliver more, better, faster, it is exciting to be working at a time when the tools rise to the occasion. I have been fortunate to be a part of a VFX team that pushes the envelope, and part of how that is even possible has been more powerful, faster machines running 64 bit applications. Fusion fits into that paradigm, and I have eagerly awaited its 64 bit release.”

Aurore de Blois, Sr. Compositor, Aurora FX

Key upgrades that have been provided during Fusion’s subscription program’s first year also include: OFX plug-in support, a new Vector Motion Blur tool, enhanced 3D scene importing, 3D LUTs accelerated by GPUs, expanded metadata handling for DPX, Cineon and OpenEXR formats, Python scripting and Tracker’s new infinite sub pixel precision method. These features, together with new tools and upgrades in Fusion 5.3 and Fusion x64 offer artists a quick response to feature requests and a quick-release schedule.

“As we release Fusion x64, eyeon shows our ongoing commitment to squeezing every possible ounce of performance from modern workstations. With the increasing resolution and complexity of modern effects shots, artists need all the memory they can get and Fusion x64 helps them deliver.”

Isaac Guenard, Senior Product Manager of eyeon Software

Pricing and Availability

Fusion 5.3 and Fusion x64 bit are available at no additional charge to eyeon subscription customers.

Press Contact

Donovan Zulauf
Public Relations

eyeon Software Inc.
416-686-8411 x180

Sales Contact

Michael Bailey

Senior Director of Sales

eyeon Software Inc.

416-686-8411 x270

About eyeon Software
eyeon celebrates 20 years of Fusion® innovation, leading the desktop compositing revolution. eyeon Software is dedicated to providing the best possible solutions for dynamic desktop compositing and pipeline management. Drawing upon expertise in film special effects, eyeon continues to develop innovative tools to maximize project control and minimize creative barriers. Today, eyeon offers products to meet the demands of film, with a comprehensive toolset for the commercial broadcast, motion graphics, games development, and stereoscopic markets.

Digital Fusion, eyeon Fusion, eyeon Vision and eyeon Rotation are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of eyeon Software Inc. All trademarks, company

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