
5:31 AM
Camtasia Studio 6汉化
TechSmith Camtasia Studio 6.0.1 Build 787+6.0.0 汉化绿色注册版
Camtasia Studio是TechSmith旗下一款专门录制屏幕动作的工具,它能在任何颜色模式下轻松地记录屏幕动作,包括影像、音效、鼠标移动轨迹、解说声音等等,另外,它还具有及时播放和编辑压缩的功能,可对视频片段进行剪接、添加转场效果。它输出的文件格式很多,包括MP4、AVI、WMV、M4V、CAMV、MOV、RM、GIF动画等多种常见格式,是制作视频演示的绝佳工具。TechSmith还专门对Codec进行开发,研究开发了属于自己的一套压缩编码算法,叫做"TSCC" (TechSmith Screen Capture Codec),专门用于对动态影像的编码!

      绿化/使用说明:Camtasia Studio已更新到6.x系列

      *  基于 TechSmith Camtasia Studio v6.0.0 (Build 689) 版而绿化,保留原版全部功能;
      *  对 *.camproj、*.camrec、*.cmmp、*.cmmtpl 等4种文件类型做了关联;
      *  自动安装TechSmith Screen Capture Codec等相关解码器;
      *  使用前先运行 @绿化&卸载工具.exe 并按照提示进行操作;
      *  严格说来这并不是真正的绿色软件,但是确实是方便了安装、维护,可称为"广义的绿色软件";
      *  绿色版有问题还请截图反馈并尽量描述出现错误的操作步骤等。

      我感觉 Camtasia Studio 6 最大的变化是移除了生成FLV文件的支持、增加MP4格式输出支持,具体更新见下面!不习惯的可以试试Camtasia Studio 5.1.0 汉化绿色注册版

      汉化补丁由 aaplayboy 提供,不过PowerPoint插件并未汉化;aaplayboy也做了很多很多绿色软件,他的博客地址为:。

      与简单易用的 DemoCreator 相比,Camtasia Studio显得更为专业,可控性更多,支持输出的格式也多,尤其是它的编辑功能,可以编辑音频、缩放局部画面、插图、设置过渡效果及画中画效果等等,很有特色,且支持录制PowerPoint,所以如果需要制作专业效果的视频演示,还是推荐这款Camtasia Studio。

Camtasia Studio 6.0.0 更新记录:(翻译的好费劲,勉强看看吧)


      *  重新设计的Camtasia Recorder
      *  系统启动时自动加载Camtasia Recorder的选项 (绿色版去掉了^_^)
      *  从视频轨道解开音频以便进行独立轨道编辑的功能
      *  在时间轴上移动一连串剪辑的功能
      *  一系列编辑功能的快捷键
      *  移除了图片大小最大1280x1024的限制
      *  导入MOV文件并在时间轴上编辑的功能
      *  可调整标注的淡入淡出速度的功能
      *  Zoom-n-Pan视图中的倾斜角度的选项
      *  可输出带有H.264视频编码和AAC音频编码的MP4文件的功能
      *  集成免费、有所增强的
      *  产品logo有所更新


      *  升级并增强了可用的产品预设
      *  在工程设置中添加了可维护外观比例的选项
      *  过渡速度现在可设置为非整数数值
      *  图片持续时间现在可设置为非整数数值
      *  修复了某种情况下DV AVI剪辑不能在时间轴上播放的问题
      *  修复了即使不需要Smart Focus也会作为选项存在的问题
      *  修复了ExpressShow标题中可使用非法字符 '&'、'<'的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下从时间轴中删除空轴时不能撤销的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下添加未选中标注的下拉阴影后不能更改标注样式的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下发布为swf后不能显示Answers Summary页面的问题
      *  修复了当导入MPEG文件而没有合适解码器情况下的程序崩溃问题
      *  修复了最终产品大小显示不正确的问题
      *  修复了双击时间轴上的PiP剪辑而不能打开PiP修改窗口的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下发布为ExpressShow和SCORM而不生成HTML文件的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下发布为AVI文件时不能处理音频增强的问题
      *  修复了标题剪辑对话框总一个键盘Tab顺序的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下无音频的CAMREC的扩展帧会生成一小段不需要的视频的问题
      *  修复了某种情况下从时间轴上删除带有3个或更多标注的剪辑时会产生参数不正确的错误

PPT 插件更新:

      *  修复了某种情况下不能从PPT 2007中导入幻灯片的问题


      *  修复了某种情况下按类型排序并编辑参数时程序崩溃的问题


      *  移除了作为独立程序的音频编辑器
      *  移除了Camtasia Recorder中的Live Output驱动
      *  移除了生成FLV文件的支持
      *  移除了生成WMV文件时的 'Add Index' 选项. 现在所有生成的WMV文件都会带有索引


Camtasia Studio is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future.
Easily record your screen, PowerPoint, multiple audio tracks, and webcam video to create compelling training videos, screencasts, and presentations without ever leaving your desk. With the power of interactive Camtasia Studio videos, you can deliver high-quality content anytime, to even your most remote audience.
Camtasia Studio helps you keep pace in a mobile world by making it easy to publish videos and MP3 files for iPod and other portable media players. Now your marketing message, screencast, lecture, or just-in-time training video can reach your audience practically anywhere – on the bus, in a coffee shop, or while they’re jogging. Camtasia Studio videos are simply designed to share.

• Intelligent capture controls that adapt to you
• Crystal-clear playback at any size with Camtasia SmartFocus™
• Easy, versatile video sharing with TechSmith ExpressShow™
• Precise editing and butter-smooth onscreen movement
• Professional content without a ton of production time

With the smartest screen recording tools on the planet, Camtasia Studio makes everything from training videos to PowerPoint presentations to lectures look better, reach more people, and pack more punch. Which makes you look even smarter, too.

• Record Anything
Easily create training, demonstrations, presentations, online courses... the possibilities are endless. Connect with your audience by including screen recordings, audio, voice narration, PowerPoint, Picture-in-Picture and webcam video.

• Edit and Enhance
Edit and enhance your video with callouts, titles, credits, zooming, panning, quizzes and additional audio tracks. Camtasia Studio's extensive editing options are at your fingertips.

• Share
Publish in Flash, QuickTime and a variety of video formats, then share on the Web, CD or DVD. You can use the Production Wizard to assist you in choosing the best format and settings for sharing with your audience, or you can have complete control over audio and video codecs and quality, frame rate, color depth, and inclusion or exclusion of special effects.

Homepage -

Size: 37.58 MB

TechSmith Camtasia Studio v6.0.1 Build 787 Portable Regged
下载/Download - Mybloop(EN)
镜像/Mirror - Evxz
镜像/Mirror - Rayfile(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - UUshare(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - Brsbox(CHN)


TechSmith.Camtasia.Studio.6.0.1.Build.782.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT  Size: 35.83 MB
下载/Download - Evxz(EN)
镜像/Mirror - MS.Live
镜像/Mirror - Rayfile(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - UUshare(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - Brsbox(CHN)

[软件名称]  TechSmith Camtasia Studio 6.0.0 汉化绿色注册版
[界面语言]  简体中文
[软件类别]  国外软件 - 屏幕录制
[官方主页]  HomePage
[操作系统]  Windows
[软件大小]  26.17 MB
下载/Download - Sotee(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - FileQube(EN)
镜像/Mirror - UUshare(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - Namipan(CHN)
镜像/Mirror - Brsbox(CHN)

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