
10:54 AM
顶级音乐制作 Ableton Live v7.0.14 破解版(Crack)

Ableton Live 是ABLETON公司出品的专业音序器,功能强大而且操作简单,支持DX及VST插件,支持实时效果,特别对舞曲方面做了很多优化,尤其适合做舞曲的后期制作。AbletonLive由于将音频音序器和现场控制方式完美结合了起来,从而迅速成为了当年现场音乐家包括工作室音乐人最为追捧的几款软件之一。

Ableton Live是一套以loop为基础的Music Sequencer,可在Macintosh及Windows上执行。最新的第6版是在2006年的秋季推出。相比于其他的Software Sequencer,Live设计出来多数是用来作实时乐器演奏多于作为一个作曲及编曲的工具。从它的名字就可得知。

Live原本是在Max/MSP中设计的。由于想把它定位在商业的用途上,Ableton在1999年由Gerhard Behles,Monolake的Robert Henke及Bernd Roggendorf所创立。Live被重新在C++中编写成一套商业的软件,第一版是在2001年推出的。截至2006年9月,Live已推出到6.01版。Ableton也同时开发了令一套软件,Operator,一套在Live中用作音频合成乐器的产品。现时Ableton的行政总裁是Behles,而技术总监是Henke,他也专注于Live's当中内置的效果器及乐器。Ableton's的总部位于柏林中部。

大部份Live's的独特接口都是设计成用于实时表演的。它的接口比实际的sequencers更加小巧及清晰,以便在一个屏幕中使用。更完美的是它不会弹出讯息框及对话框。有部份的接口是可随着鼠标的控制作出弹性隐藏及显示 {如:隐藏乐器/效果器列表或显示/隐藏帮助框)。令外,因为Live's是设计来用在表演用途,所以所有它的音效处理都是实时的,与其他普通需要预先演算的sequencers及sample编辑器不同。

奥斯卡最佳配乐《贫民富翁》乃 Ableton Live 制作?

81届奥斯卡最佳配乐《贫民富翁》的作者A.R. Rahman,乃忠实的Ableton Live粉丝。所以很多人臆测《贫民富翁》的配乐也是全部由Ableton Live制作的,目前A.R. Rahman忙到四爪朝天无暇告诉我们《贫民富翁》是不是用Ableton Live做的,但可能性确实很大。啧啧~~~~谁说Live只能做电子~~~~啧啧~~~~

下面回顾一段以前对A.R. Rahman的访问:


我用Live编写节奏有时候还拿它当效果器用,把声音由Neve 88R录进Live。




我第一次看到Live是在钦奈(印度第四大城市)的经销商那里,他是我前乐队的哥们,给了我一份Live 4,从此一见钟情。


就像我之前说的,拿它当效果器使,给我打开了新一片天。我在音频轨里用了Grain Delay、Resonator和其它很多插件,因为我现在的工作都是在录音棚里完成。我也拿它制作一些节奏和制作模板。


试试MIDI Scale插件,它会给你惊喜!

Ableton Live视频教程:

Last year Ableton Live emerged with a DAW platform that transcended the expectations of Live while adding great new virtual instruments. With Live 7, Ableton continues to improve upon their DAW, integrating features that up the sound quality while adding a veritable boatload of new instruments and sample libraries. Live has been steadily gaining converts as the feature set continues to expand. Version 7 cements Live as a force to be reckoned with in the DAW world, and the inclusion of the great new instruments and sample libraries further expand the cross-genre appeal!

Ableton Live 7 at a Glance:

Operational upgrades

  • User-requested Features
  • Drum Rack
  • Virtual instruments

Operational upgrades
First, we'll dive into new operational features of Live 7. Ableton instigates a new audio engine, including a 64-bit mix-summing engine in this latest edition of Live. This equates to finer detail and better resolution of the finished product along with POW-r dithering. To further preserve audio integrity, devices such as Operator, Dynamic Tube, and Saturator are now equipped with optional "high-quality" modes for anti-aliased processing, reducing nasty "digital" artifacts. Also new to Live is the inclusion of a real-time audio analyzer, known as Spectrum. Spectrum can offer visual feedback for any audio signal present in the current session, and can zoom in for an up-close and personal look of the chosen audio.

User-requested Features
Live 7 is loaded with the top user-requested features. New this time around is a streamlined approach to editing automation, offering a look at each automated parameter within it's own lane. Plus, any videos edited or warped within Live can now be exported as a new file. REX files - a staple of groove-building and remixers - can now be imported with drag-and-drop ease, allowing for more fluid and flexible spontaneous song crafting. Rounding out the user-requested features of Live 7 are a couple of time-based tools. Now multiple time signatures can be used within a single Live Set in the Arrangement View timeline and Session View Scenes. For live performance situations, Live 7 sports a function called Tempo Nudge that allows you to temporarily speed up or slow down the tempo so live musicians can more easily sync up with the recorded or sequenced tracks. This function can be mapped to any MIDI controller for on-the-fly "tempo nudges."

Drum Rack
A breakthrough in the way sequenced drums are handled within a DAW, Live 7 introduces Drum Rack. Drum Rack is a drag-and-drop interface for loading samples, and offers a trigger pad-style interface. Just drag samples, instruments, and effects into Drum Rack, assign a key on your controller, and you're off and running! Each "pad" has its own signal chain and can be shown as a mixer channel in Session View. Each Drum Rack also has its own sends, returns, and sub-mixes. Sliced loops can be used to fill Drum Rack with the individual hits from REX or audio loops.

Virtual instruments
The Essential Instrument Collection 2 offers a versatile, comprehensive collection of sounds ready to play and inspire-from faithfully sampled acoustic and electric instruments to unique and impressive electronic creations. The sounds come with preconfigured controls that can be easily mapped to your favorite hardware controller for expressive play. You can effortlessly shape sounds without being concerned about technical intricacies, but if you like to dig deeper, you will find myriad possibilities for creating unique, personalized sounds.

Ableton Live 7 Features:

  • Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192kHz
  • Complete nondestructive editing with unlimited undo
  • Powerful and creative MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments
  • Real-time time-stretching and warping of AIFF, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP3 files, for improvisation and instant remixing
  • A comprehensive selection of built-in audio effects, including a host of creative delays, filters, distortions, studio compressors and EQs
  • Built-in software instruments: Simpler for creative sample-based synthesis, Impulse for sampled drums
  • Instrument-, Drum-, Effect Racks for creating and managing complex performance setups, drum kits and multi-effects
  • VST and AU effects and instruments support; automatic plug-in delay compensation
  • REX file support and native sliced audio file creation
  • Video import and export for scoring to picture or warping picture to music
  • Real-time control of parameters with any MIDI controller-just MIDI-map it or choose from a list of popular supported controllers for instant mapping
  • Full ReWire support
  • Single-screen user interface for simple, creativity-focused operation
  • Multicore and multiprocessor support

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