
6:13 AM
高端三維製作XSI 7.0
高端三維製作XSI 7.0

中文名稱:高端三維製作XSI 7.0


最新版本:XSI v7.0.609


Softimage|XSI是與Maya同為電影級的超強3D動畫工具,也在國際間享有盛名,它在動畫領域可以說是無人不知的大哥大。《侏羅紀公園》、 《第五元素》、《閃電悍將》、《神隱少女》、《蟲蟲危機》、《紅磨坊》、《少林足球》....到最近的《魔蠍大帝》、《戰慄空間》等電影裏都可以找到它的 身影。特別在電視傳播界使用極為廣泛,而由於近來3D動畫被普遍應用於平面美術設計,工業設計,室內設計,廣告影片,電影特效,電玩遊戲,虛擬網路,電子 商務,多媒體光碟...等各項領域.......。Softimage|XSI傑出的動作控制技術,使越來越多的導演要選用它來完成電影中的角色動畫。 《侏羅紀公園》裏身手敏捷的速龍、《閃電悍將》裏閃電俠那飄蕩的斗篷,都是由Softimage XSI來設置動畫的。

Softimage發佈了最新版本的3D動畫軟體XSI。此版本是專門為遊戲和影視所設計的3D動畫軟體。SOFTIMAGE|XSI 7軟體中將引進一個被稱為ICE的開放式平臺。通過一個視覺化介面和易於使用的基於節點編程模型,用戶可以快速的創建出複雜的視覺特效。ICE可以讓藝術 家開發,學習以及更改以粒子為基礎的視覺特效庫和變形工具或是創建一個全新的工具等。Softimage發佈了最新版本的3D動畫軟體XSI。此版本是專 門為遊戲和影視所設計的3D動畫軟體。SOFTIMAGE|XSI 7軟體中將引進一個被稱為ICE的開放式平臺。通過一個視覺化介面和易於使用的基於節點編程模型,用戶可以快速的創建出複雜的視覺特效。ICE可以讓藝術 家開發,學習以及更改以粒子為基礎的視覺特效庫和變形工具或是創建一個全新的工具等。


ICE - Interactive Creative Environment

ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) is an open, scalable platform that allows anyone to extend the capabilities of XSI quickly and intuitively using a node-based dataflow diagram. This paradigm means that 3D artists can create complex 3D effects and tools extremely quickly without writing code.


With the development of ICE for XSI 7, the core architecture of XSI went through a major revision. The new core, GigaCore II, has been engineered to provide stable and fast performance for ICE. It is fully multi-threaded and 64-bit, allowing users to scale the performance of XSI efficiently by adding more cores to a system.


Integrated mental ray 3.6 Renderer - XSI 7.0 integrates the award-winning mental ray renderer, now at version 3.6. This update adds new controls for final gathering and displacement rendering, as well as options for optimizing and accelerating global illumination, and global ambient occlusion settings.

Rendering features added:

* Importons - Importons are photon particles emitted from the camera (instead of a light source). mental ray uses these photon particles to calculate how important a photon is for the illumination of an image. With this technique, you get a lighter photon map and faster rendering as photon lookup is optimized.
* Stand-ins - Object render archives (also known as mental ray assemblies or stand-ins) provide a method of offloading assets so that they can be loaded and unloaded, on-demand, at render time. The object render archive file is loaded into the render as an encapsulated "sub-scene" which can be unloaded automatically if mental ray starts to run low on physical memory. This reduces memory consumption and allows for faster rendering times. Stand-ins are particularly useful for assembling cumulatively large and detailed scenes such as cityscapes, dense forests of trees, and even crowds of animated characters.

* New Final Gathering Algorithm "Exact" mode - Exact mode bypasses the final gathering point cache entirely and always computes the full final gathering solution for every sample. This mode will yield more accurate and superior quality results because none of the final gathering points are derived by interpolating values from an initial cache of final gathering points.
* Auto-Configuring BSP 2 Raytracing Acceleration - The BSP2 raytracing acceleration technique is the next generation BSP algorithm used by mental ray. It was developed, primarily, for the efficient rendering of scenes with large BSP trees and is required for rendering scenes with stand-ins (also known as mental ray assemblies). It is also auto-configuring so the user does not have to setup complicated BSP options anymore.
* Irradiance Particles - The new mental ray irradiance particles algorithm provides a method of calculating global illumination using importons.

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