
6:05 PM
AltDrag 0.8 按住Alt键拖动任意窗口调整窗口的大小
软件名称:AltDrag 0.8 绿色版 实现按住Alt键拖动任意窗口调整窗口的大小等
软件大小:16.2 KB
软件类型:绿色软件 / 免费软件 / Portable software


AltDrag allows you to drag windows with the mouse when pressing the alt key. You can use the middle or right mouse button to resize windows. If you press the shift key while you drag or resize, the window will stick to other windows. You can double-click a window to maximize it. You can double-click with the middle mouse button to roll-up windows. Fullscreen windows, such as games, will not be dragged or resized.

You can also enable the ability to use the shift key when normally moving windows, or a feature that makes windows automatically stick to the screen borders and the taskbar without needing to press shift.

Views: 1423 | Added by: ystyle | Rating: 3.0/1
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