
9:10 AM
FaceShop Pro 4.10 Portable
Platforms: Win NT, 2K, XP, Vista, Mac OS 3.5, 6.x, 9.x, OSX
Languages: English
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Size: 5.4 Mb

FaceShop™ is an innovative software program that converts a 2D image into a 3D user friendly face and head. The program not only recreates face morphs, it also creates an identical texture of the copied face.
FaceShop — инновационная программа для создания 3D модели головы из обычной фотографии человека. Программа не только позволяет воссоздавать морфы лица, но и также позволяет создавать текстуры идентичные копируемого лица человека.

FaceShop Pro - is a powerful stand-alone application that allows you to create a unique 3D head from your images.Create face morphs for DAZ|Studio, PoserTM and other tools based your favorite people! FaceShop Pro is a powerful stand-alone application that allows you to create a unique 3D head from your images.Recreate your favorite celebrities, family, or friends from a single photograph through patented technology which actually recreates the original camera angle for accuracy.

Additional features in Pro:
» Larger texture resolutions (1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096)
» Use of many other figures in addition to Michael 3 and Victoria 4.2.
» “Classic 3.5” mode using curves (default mode for “other” characters)
» Mirror functions (mirror one side of the face over to the other side)
» Front and Profile functions (Allows creating profiles either using present view or new profile photo)..

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